In writing my recent book, Silicon Collar I saw several mismatches in the labor market. There have been nearly 5 million unfilled jobs for 4+ years. Yet, people have racked up over a trillion in student debt for education many cannot parlay into jobs. Higher education still thinks in terms of 4-6-8 years of formal school when the average job is lasting 5 years or less. We need to revisit our learning methods and fast.
So, I have been watching with interest as Nick Hortovanyi started describing on social media his experience in a new area using Udacity.
Nick had graced this blog a couple of years ago as he described how wearables and data were reshaping his passion for cycling
I asked him how and why he decided on Udacity
“I'm not an academic, have never been to University and the thought maybe of going to University for 3+ years was offputting. I have had a life long learning experience with technology via technology itself. The Udacity Silicon Valley approach seems to fit how I learn using the internet itself."
However, he is not using Udacity for learn a well-trodden subject. And he is doing it across the Pacific from his home on the Gold Coast of Australia.
"I was having trouble finding a large enough market for a startup vision, I had improving performance of cyclists from the data they collected. Thus as part of my what’s next thinking I applied for the new Udacity Self Driving Car Engineer Nano Degree. I thought if I got in, that'd be great, I could get recognition for some of my more recent data science learnings as well as learn more about AI (Deep Learning & Machine Learning), Computer Vision and Robotics.”
It is cutting edge stuff like the Advanced Lane Detection project where he applied “computer vision techniques to augment video output with a detected road lane, road radius curvature and road centre offset.”
Cutting edge learning of cutting edge topics
In writing my recent book, Silicon Collar I saw several mismatches in the labor market. There have been nearly 5 million unfilled jobs for 4+ years. Yet, people have racked up over a trillion in student debt for education many cannot parlay into jobs. Higher education still thinks in terms of 4-6-8 years of formal school when the average job is lasting 5 years or less. We need to revisit our learning methods and fast.
So, I have been watching with interest as Nick Hortovanyi started describing on social media his experience in a new area using Udacity.
Nick had graced this blog a couple of years ago as he described how wearables and data were reshaping his passion for cycling
I asked him how and why he decided on Udacity
However, he is not using Udacity for learn a well-trodden subject. And he is doing it across the Pacific from his home on the Gold Coast of Australia.
It is cutting edge stuff like the Advanced Lane Detection project where he applied “computer vision techniques to augment video output with a detected road lane, road radius curvature and road centre offset.”
February 14, 2017 in Automation and Work, Digital Imaging, Industry Commentary, Learning Innovations | Permalink | Comments (0)