Vinnie Mirchandani is a former technology industry analyst (with Gartner), outsourcing executive (with PwC, now part of IBM where he led a team conducting technology market intelligence) and entrepreneur (founder of sourcing advisory firm, Deal Architect). He has personally helped clients evaluate and negotiate technology contracts valued in excess of $ 5 billion and has consistently advised companies on IT risk management, globalization and sourcing issues. He is usually on the leading edge of trends in various technology sectors and frequently advises clients on innovation projects.
In addition to technology circles, he is an active participant in finance/accounting, human resources and sourcing/procurement communities and focuses on benchmarks and best practices to improve business processes in these areas.
He has a global perspective having spent 6+ months doing technology business in the US, UK, Ireland, Netherlands, India and a number of other countries.
Please contact him at Deal Architect at 813-884-4908 or by email at [email protected]
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