What has been standard wedding etiquette for a long time is going to go out the window. The age of couples getting married is older and older. The majority of couples today live together before they get married and have both parts of the couple working. They’re living on their mobile devices. Couples today have no time for etiquette do’s and don’ts. Increasingly we’ll see brides proposing to grooms. We already see brides proposing to brides. We’ll see more couples book their wedding venues that they love before they’re even officially engaged. And they’ll start designing their save-the-date before they get engaged. They’ll prefer coordinating their wedding planners and their florists and their honeymoons over a mobile interface that allows them to both chat with these coordinators as well as take action from images of weddings that they see on their phones. They’ll probably be doing this while they’re watching TV or hanging out together. People will send [thank-you notes] whenever they feel like, and not be bound by etiquette there. Today, couples are very pragmatic, they’re very busy, and they want to lock in the venue that they love on the date that they want to get married. This tradition of, you have to wait until the bended knee is something that people no longer feel is as important.
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Out There
Great PopSci issue which looks at the edge of everything - in space, under our oceans, the poles of our planet and elsewhere.
We know so little - so much more to explore
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