Spending on digital media surpassed television ads in 2017, and now global digital spend is anticipated to top $333 billion this year.
Thanks to Tamas Hevizi for pointer to the infographic from Visual Capitalist. Here are some nuggets
- Search:
The top five search results for a keyword on Google get 70% of the clicks. - Social media:
80% of B2B leads come in through LinkedIn vs. 13% on Twitter and 7% on Facebook. - Video marketing:
Video will represent 82% of all internet traffic by 2021. - Cold email marketing:
Emails sent between 10-11am have the highest open rates. Tuesday is the best day to send cold emails. - Paid advertising:
The mobile ad blocking rate has increased 90% year-over-year. - Lead generation:
61% of marketers say generating traffic and leads is their top challenge. - Content marketing:
47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep.