So, at the Microsoft conference in Atlanta my wife and I took a tour of the CNN studio here. I wanted to see John King’s Magic Wall – Microsoft now owns Perceptive Pixel which provided that technology. There’s Necco Ceresani, our guide using an older CNN model.
We also got to ride an escalator right up to the 8th floor – beats by a long shot one in the underground train in Prague which seemed to go on for ever.
We saw the extremely elaborate and expensive jibs,cranes and cameras in Studio 7
We watched the hive of activity which is the news room, where over a thousand stories are evaluated each day and breaking news worthy ones can move from this room to our screens in as little as 5 minutes
Finally, Margaret got to audition as an anchor – a bit soft spoken but glad it was a story about Apple, a company she has come to know very well with her new MacBook Pro.