With so much attention going to social and mobile marketing, it is easy to forget that traditional marketing media – print, radio, TV, billboard etc – is not exactly dead. I am continuing a series on how those channels are evolving, surviving and thriving. New Scientist on next-gen billboards including:
Screenfinity, led by Jorg Muller, generates content for large, long screens that follows the viewer as they walk along beside it. The system monitors passers-by with 10 Kinect cameras placed along the length of a screen. As a person approaches, text or pictures pop up and slide along in sync with their walking. If someone moves further away, the text gets bigger; closer, and it gets smaller, so it is equally legible all the time. In a recent trial on the TUB campus, cafe menus were displayed in a bustling concourse. Not only were people able to read the menus at varying distances and without breaking stride, the display proved so attention-grabbing that it had users looking behind the screen to see if a person was tracking them.