This time of the year, like clockwork, the Ringling Bros. circus rolls into town. The last time we went was probably a decade ago when the kids were much younger. So my jaw dropped when my daughter asked to go this year. We had to arm wrestle her younger brother to go over his protests it was uncool.
I was burning with curiosity to see how my Facebook, YouTube, XBox, iTunes hardened teenagers would react to the 115 year-old institution.
They were not disappointed.To start with the venue was modern - the St. Pete Times Forum, the home of the local hockey team, The Lightning. Scanners for tickets, box suites, flat screen TVs every where.
No three rings (Ringling dropped that a couple of years ago) any more, but plenty of LCD and LED (like in the photo below). Looked inspired by Cirque du Soleil, the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony and a Super Bowl half-time show. Had plenty of Hollywood touches - a villain called Mr. Gravity competed with Nicholson and Ledger's Jokers, and Harry Potter inspired the hats and the magic.
What seemed reduced was face-time for animals. I counted a total of 40 elephants, tigers, horses, zebras and dogs - no other species. There were more animal-rights protesters outside than animals inside. If the activitists continue to have their way, in 5 years the Circus may have no animals to show. Which is a shame, because the really young fans in the audience roared with delight every time the animals came in.
I also missed the old country-fair ambience - the corn dogs, the funnel cakes, the walk around with the smell of the animals and the hay, the mysterious gypsies and the Ripley type oddity characters like the world's tallest man. Gone - replaced by $ 7.50 popcorn and $ 8 beer.
But I had to admire all the technology wizardry. No question the Sprint roadies have taken over for Mr. Barnum.
Technology and the Inaugaration
2 million folks in DC with mobile phones made calls, emailed photos, texted and watched live feeds at the same time. GeoEye-1 captured pictures from 400 miles above. Second Life teleported the event. Microsoft developed Photosynths that piece together a mosaic of pictures from various vantage points. Facebook reported 4,000 status updates a minute during the CNN broadcast.
It is the first inaugaration covered by Twitter, and the first one where Google has an office in Washington, DC...and the Inaugural Balls have not even started as I write this post - the 10 physical ones and 1 virtual one.
Photo Credit - The Obama White House web site on its first day
January 20, 2009 in Industry Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)