Steve Hamm at BusinessWeek has written a new book: The Race for Perfect. As he says on his blog "It’s a popular history of portable computing and also a narrative of a single, contemporary product (Lenovo’s X300) as it travels from conception to the marketplace."
Books that track innovation always get mentioned on this blog.
But here's what else is innovative:
"One of my purposes was to get young people interested in being engineers, designers, inventors, and entrepreneurs. With that goal in mind, I convinced my editors to allow me to publish an unusual excerpt in BusinessWeek magazine: We adapted one of the story lines, the tale of Alan Kay’s seminal role in portable computing, into the manga form. Here’s the manga. I understand that this is the first time a magazine has adapted a book excerpt into a cartoon. So it’s fresh. Help me out with viral distribution and send the link along to friends and colleagues—especially to young people who are just starting out on their careers or still in school."