"So long as the user writes on paper printed with a special (microdot) pattern, the
smartpen transforms what is written into interactive text. For example,
the pen has a recording function, called paper replay, that can record
sound and connect it to what the user writes while the sounds are being
recorded. Later, the user can tap the pen over what she wrote and
replay the associated sounds."
Word of the Year!
Time can have its Person of the Year, but we now have a new entity to celebrate
"w00t," an expression of joy coined by online gamers and spelled with 2 zeros, was crowned word of the year by Merriam-Webster dictionary. It "reflects a new direction in the American language led by a generation raised on video games and cell phone text-messaging."
December 31, 2007 in Industry Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)